1. 曾经经历的主机类型。是否经历过BW主机具体的型号是。
2. 曾经经历过的重大机损事故,主机,发电机,锅炉等。
3. 特殊作业,您怎样灌输给下面的轮机员,保证安全可靠的作业。
4. 您是否知道ISO14000。
5. 您如何管理机舱,不把所有的都留给大管,全面检查和深入机舱全部的机械设备,然后才能发现问题,继而来贯彻执行未来的计划。
6. 简述Loss of injury.
7. 简述Near miss report.
8. 简述Immediately response.
9. 简述Initially report.
10. 管理流程-Policy-procedure-monitor-verification-feedback system-monthly report-accident investigation report-corrective action.
11. 请问您毕业于什么院校。
12. 做轮机长/大管轮多少资历。
13. 请问您多大年龄。
14. 请问您都做过那些类型的船。
15. 请您大概说说您服务过的管理公司。
16. 请问您都做过那些类型的主机。
17. 对于主机或发电机等您都做过那些大的工程。(比如,主机吊缸、换缸套、十字头拆装、主机增压器、发电机换凸轮轴、等具体说明。)
18. 大型主机在港内起车时,有时个别缸没有立即发火,而是转几转才发火,通常是那些原因。
19. 港内停车时按理论上,各缸温度应该一样,但实际上,有的缸特别低。为什么。
20. 做为轮机长,您如何进行risk assessment?
21. 您如何领导轮机部人员开展工作?
22. Marpol compliance,作为轮机长,您怎样保证所有的轮机员能很好的执行。
23. 您是否知道SECA。
24. 您是否知道ISO14000
25. 您是否经历过PSC检查被扣船。
26. 您如何应对PSC检查。
27. 您知道什么是Carb Regulation.
28. 您是否经历过Alpha lubricator,如何检查定时?
29. 怎样调节Alpha HMI。
30. 常用的TBN值是多少。Seca区域,如何更换LSFO 和HSFO,LSFO的含硫限制是多少,HSFO的含硫量限制值是多少。SECA区域LSFO和HSFO怎样更换,气缸油怎么更换。
31. 您以前经历的船主机型号,油耗?汽缸油耗多少?
32. BW主机排气阀控制系统应注意那些管理。
33. 主机排气筏研磨时是包括阀杆和阀盘是从里向外还是从外想内,为什么。
34. 主机高压油泵拆装时要注意什么。
35. 您是否做过轴带发电机。
36. 按装主机排气阀时要注意什么。
37. 您都做过那些发电机,DAIHATSU。YANMAR。
38. 请说明密闭舱室安全作业的最小安全氧气百分比?
39. 如何制定加油计划?
40. 加油短缺。您如何处理?
41. 是否经历过重大的机械事故,您如何处理?
42. 锅炉水位在大修或进坞之前是好的,等恢复使用时,水位跟实际相差太大,怎么办。
43. 锅炉在启动或燃烧时都正常,有时在停止时会有警报发生,而正常的油温。水位,MISFIRE,等警报都正常,只发现起动板上一个故障警报灯亮,通常是什么原因。
44. 锅炉航行时水位正常,而在港内时常常会出现水位或高或低的报警,水泵是不间断供水,是什么原因。
45. 您是否做过可变螺距浆。
46. 您是否经历过轴带发电机。
47. 阶梯活塞的空压机曲拐箱漏气严重,通常是什么原因,作为C/E或1/E。您怎么办?
48. 大型主机在港内起车时,有时侯会不来车,通常是什么原因。
49. 怎样管理备件和物料。
50. 加油时,如果发生overflow到甲板上,您应该怎么办。
51. 解释接任轮机长时的重要事情?
52. 解释what is Standing order ?
53. 解释CE night order 包括哪些内容?
54. 那些状况禁止hot work?
55. 说明船上的critical equipment?
56. 主机突然停车,有哪些可能原因?
57. 当燃油加温时,需要注意什么?
58. 主机增压器喘振的原因?
59. 您是否了解内审核外审?如何配合?
60. 如何准备IOPP survey?
61. Why MGPS非常重要?
62. 如何检查和实验应急设备?
63. puncture valve的作用?为什么要测取示功图?
64. How do you put down the ORB?
65. where can you find the job on board?
66. what is UMS?是否经历过UMS?那些情况禁止UMS?
67. 大型主机进港前S/B时应该注意检查和实验什么。
68. 作为C/E,您怎样处理机舱和甲板之间的关系。
69. 作为C/E如果您遇到业务特别差的轮机员,您怎么办。
70. 对于期租或航租船,每次到港或到期,SURVEYOR要上船量油,如果由于不可抗拒的原因,油短缺了,作为C/E您怎么办。
71. 您是否更换过发电机曲轴或凸轮轴?
72. 您怎样组织和领导轮机人员开展工作?
73. 加油时, 大量短缺怎么办?
74. 加油时, 如何取样,一共取几瓶?
75. 如何确定主机的扫气温度?
76. 如何确定燃油的温度?
77. 如何根据燃油的比重/黏度/油温/热值计算功率和油耗?
78. 为什么,都是380 Cst的燃油,同样的负荷,油耗差别很大?
79. 从数据理论上如何判断主机是否超负荷?
80. 油水记录簿谁负责?如何正确地记录油水记录簿?
81. 关于加油准备/会议/数量确认/送化验/取样/化验报告。
82. 关于PSC 检查的准备及要求?
83. ISM要求制定PMS,如何根据PMS 制定保养计划?
84. 什么是SOPEP?
85. crankshaft 故障可能的原因?
86. 您是否到国美国港口?是否熟悉美国USCG的检查?
1.What items do you need to put down in the Oil Record Book?
The matters related to the following items shall be entered in the Oil Record Book every time:
a.Ballasting or cleaning of fuel oil tanks.
b.Discharge of Dirty ballast or cleaning water from fuel oil tanks.
c.Collection and disposal of oily residual substance(sludge).
d.Non-automatic discharge or disposal otherwise of bilge in the machinery space.
e.Automatic discharge or disposal otherwise of bilge in the machinery space.
f.Conditions of the oil discharge monitoring and control system.
g.Accidental or other execptional discharge of oil.
h.Supply of fuel oil and bulk-loaded lubricating oil.
i.Other work and neccessary matters.
2.There is a "U"tube which shows the air pressure differences on the air cooler of the main engine.Why is this tube put there?
This tube shows the air pressure differences of the input and output air of the air cooler.which can tell whether the inside of air cooler is dirty or not.Normally speaking,the input air and output air pressure should be more or less the same.If there is big difference between the input and output air pressure,it means that the content of the air cooler is too dirty and needs chemical cleaning.
3.What should be considered when you order spare parts?
When I order spare parts,the following factors need to be taken into consideration:
First of all,I need follow the relevant stipulatiions of the company SMS manual.
Second. seaworthiness of the vessel is the most important.We need to have sufficient spare parts which can guarantee the vessel going sailing smoothly and safely in the sea.But I need to avoid redundant spares.
Third,I need to think about whether the port has the convenience to load the spares.
Fourth, in order to be cost effective, I need try to avoid ordering some emergency spares.
另外,经验表明,相对船长和甲板部队的人员而言,轮机工的英语相对稍弱一些,希望在业余时间下苦功练习英语听力和写作。面试时主要是看你的听力理解,而在国外船上干时主要是做一些英文的确PAPER WORK, 另一方面,随着ISM的生效和强制实施,PSC检查和EXTRA AUDIT方面的审核都要求一定的听力和书写方面的能力。
1. Can you tell something about your last ship? What types (brands) of main engine have you ever experienced?
My last ship (type of engine, horse power, trading area, GRT/DWT, etc.)
I have experience with several different types of main engines, such as Sulzer, B&W, MAN, PC etc.
2. What abilities should a Chief Engineer possess?
First, I think it is very important for a Chief Engineer to be skillful and proficient at work. Second, he should maintain good management in the engine department. Third, he should be able to try to motivate every person under his management by assigning jobs fairly among them. Fourth, he needs to be good in English and language communication. Last, it is very important for a Chief Engineer to maintain good relationship with the Master, the technical superintendent and other personnel from company, First Engineer and the Chief Officer. Above all, he should listen to orders from the Master in most cases.
3. What were the consumption rates of cylinder lube oil and fuel oil in your previous ship?
For your reference: for a 10000HP main engine, the consumption rate of fuel oil could be roughly 20~25 tons per day, cylinder oil about 280~310 liters per day (depending on the engine type).
The duty engineer should check to see if the consumption is normal. The Second Engineer usually is responsible for checking the fuel oil and recording the figures in the Engine Log Book. Lube oil should be checked on every duty watch. The Chief Engineer is responsible for application of the supplies of lube oil and fuel oil.
4. Can you please describe in detail the bunkering procedures?
I should make a bunkering plan firstly according to the ship owner’s instructions and then report the plan to the Master for approval.
Secondly, a bunkering meeting should be held to specify the responsibilities of crew during the procedure.
Thirdly, preparations of the following like plugs, extinguishers, drums, alarms, communication means, and fuel oil system graphics (drawing) should be made.
Fourthly, I should order the Third Engineer to measure the oil volume in the supplier’s tanks and record the flow meter figures.
Bunkering starts after all is ready. I should order the duty engineer to take sounding all the time, especially at the beginning and at the end of bunkering each tank. My duty engineers should pay attention to the oil pressure, the temperature and the oil sample to be taken and used as evidence in the future.
Lastly, I should not sign the receipts, regardless of any delay, until quantities of the bunkered oil are confirmed. I should also note down any dispute over the quantity or adverse specifications of bunkers taken on the receipt and advise the company.
I should bear the following precautions in my mind during bunkering.
Before bunkering, I need to make sure that all scuppers are plugged and cemented. I should stop ballasting, de-ballasting and taking fresh water on board whist bunkering, if possible. If I have to do all the jobs together, I should take all care to prevent an overflow of water and fuel oil. If the decks become awash due to such water overflow or rain, then bunkering should be stopped whilst the scuppers are being drained.
5. Please tell me the minimum safe oxygen percentage for the safety of the workers in an enclosed space. Please describe the procedures of entry into and work in enclosed spaces.
More than 18% and no more than 23% of oxygen in an enclosed space will be OK for the safety of the workers.
The procedures are as follow
First, I should prepare an entry permit to be signed by the Master.
Second, before entry is allowed, all the relevant manholes should be opened for ventilation.
Third, the air and surrounding of the enclosed space should be tested to see whether it is safe.
Fourth, necessary equipment like the fire extinguisher, lights, communication equipments should be carried by the crew when entering.
Fifth, before entry into an enclosed space, a meeting regarding the work procedure should be held.
Lastly, when someone is working in a enclosed space, good communication between the crew inside and the crew outside should be maintained and the emergency rescue team should stand by for any rescue work.
When entering, at least one of the crew inside is to do the lookout job. During the crew’s stay in the space, ventilation should be continuously on to provide enough oxygen.
6. What is a “Bunkering Plan”?
A bunkering plan is made according to the owner’s and / or charterer’s order, the passage (voyage) plan, and capacity of the tanks, oil ROB, and so on. A bunkering plan is made by the Chief Engineer and approved by the Master and the company.
Generally, the volume of the bunkered oil shouldn’t exceed 85% of tank capacity.
7. What will you do if the oil supplied by the oil company is less than the agreed amount after bunkering?
Receipts should not be signed, regardless of any delay, until quantities are confirmed by all parties concerned. Any dispute over the quantity or adverse specifications of bunker taken shall be noted on the fuel receipt and the company should be advised accordingly.
8. Did you ever encounter any mechanic problems on board your previous vessels? How did you handle them?
It is suggested to answer this question frankly and honestly.
9. The ISM Code requires preventive maintenance schedules. How do you make your maintenance schedules?
According to the ISM Code, the preventive maintenance plan is made based on the ship’s “Planned Maintenance System” and the machinery running hour records. This plan should be made on an annual basis (or a five-year basis). Usually, the monthly maintenance schedules are made based on the annual preventive maintenance schedules are made based on the annual preventive maintenance plan and the basic occasional maintenance work.
10. Have you ever been to the US ports? Are you familiar with the USCG inspections?
Some of the useful words you may use when you answer the question:
US ports: New York, New Orleans, San Francisco, Tampa, Houston, Mississippi River, etc.
USCG refers to the US coast guards.
The most important thing in US is the sanitation (hygiene). Besides, fire fighting equipments (FFE) and life saving apparatus (LSA) and training drills must be well prepared for check.
11. What do you know about the “SOPEP”?
SOPEP means Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan. The SOPEP should contain (but not limited to) the following contents.
(1) Procedures to be followed by the Master or other crew in case of oil pollution.
(2) Pollution reporting system and the authority or persons to be contacted in the event of pollution including the telephone numbers etc.
(3) Detailed description of actions to be taken immediately by persons on board to reduce or control the discharge of oil after the incident.
(4) List of oil spill response equipment to be maintained and prepared on board. (Remover, sprayer, oil absorbent, saw dust, sand, waste rags, scoop, shovels, buckets, bamboo brooms, portable pump, protective clothing, portable containers). The essence of the Plan is to avoid any possible oil leakage and oil pollution.
Simply speaking, SOPEP should include such things as the emergency contacts (telephone and other communication means, address etc.), the equipment used in dealing with oil pollution, the muster list for oil pollution, the report procedure when the accident happen etc.
SOPEP is compulsory on board most of the ships according to the ISM code. IOPP is the certificate for the vessel that is qualified for the requirements issued by the Class on oil pollution prevention.
12. What are the possible causes of crankshaft failure?
Too big or too small clearance between bush and shaft is one of the most possible reasons (曲轴间隙过大/过小). Other reasons include material problem, dirtiness of the lube oil, uneven loading (负荷不均) in each cylinder, bad lubricating (润滑不良),and deformation of frame and bedplate.
13. What actions should be taken when there is oil overflow on deck during bunkering?
(1) Stop pumping and other operations first
(2) Ring the alarm immediately
(3) Crew should come to their respective position and take actions immediately according to the SOPEP
(4) If there is a possibility of fire, the Muster List for fire should be followed
(5) After finishing all the actions, records should be made on what has happened
(6) Draw lessons from the incident to avoid future reoccurrence of the same kind of incident
14. Explain the important things when you take over from the previous Chief Engineer.
I shall familiarize myself with the following
(1) The engine department personnel
(2) The SMS manuals and other documents on board
(3) Conditions of the vessel, the engine and the equipment to see whether there are any problems left
(4) Any outstanding claims and incident reports in the service period of the previous Chief Engineer should be cleared
(5) Engine logbook
(6) The ROB volume of the fuel oil, the diesel oil, lube oil and chemicals
(7) CMS survey items
(8) PMS overdue items and relevant reports
After finishing all the items in the checklist for handover, we two shall sign our names for evidence, one copy of which with the signature of the master shall be sent to the company.
15. Please explain what the Chief Engineer’s Standing Order is? What does Night Order include?
It is basically the Chief Engineer’s own set of instructions and orders for the operation of the engine department. The orders should include any particular operating procedures that the Chief Engineer wishes to emphasize. The set of standing orders and procedures must include the following:
Operating procedures for main engine
Operating procedures for auxiliary engine
Watch procedures
UMS procedures
When to call the Chief Engineer
Emergency shutdown procedures
Daily monitoring and logs
Arrival/Departure procedures
Operation of steering gear and test procedures
Bunkering procedures
Safe procedures in the engine room
Duties of junior engineers and ratings
Different vessels may lave different contents concerning the standing order of the Chief Engineer. But basically, the contents above should be covered. The standing order should be put in the engine control room and in the cabin of the Chief Engineer.
The night order should include such things as the warnings, lookout and when to call the Chief Engineer etc. The C/E needs to prepare night order every night before he goes to sleep.
16. What is the UMS? Do you have any experience on UMS? Under what circumstances the engine rooms can not is operated in UMS way?
UMS means Unmanned (unattended) Machinery Space. I have experienced UMS on board one ship.
Under the following circumstances, the engine room cannot be operated in UMS way:
(1) When fire detection and extinguishing system are not fully operational
(2) When main engine monitoring, control and alarm system are not fully operational
(3) When key auxiliary equipment or its controls and alarm system are not fully operational
(4) The instruction from the Master demands that the engine room is to be manned
(5) When arrival/departure in port
(6) During cargo operation and on other occasions when the Chief Engineer determines that the engine room should remain manned
17. When do you apply emergency shutdown procedures and what do you shut down?
Emergency shutdown includes (1) main engine emergency shutdown (2) ventilation emergency shutdown (3) fuel oil valves emergency shutdown (4) Sky light quick closing (5) ventilator quick closing damper. Emergency shutdown are used when emergency situations (e.g. fire etc) happens.
18. What do the engine room safety procedures include?
The safety procedures include the procedures for maintenance work, overhaul and lifting subjects, high-location and multi-layer (多层和高空作业),hull side work, hot work, entry into enclosed space, cleaning and painting, using steel bottle and so on.
19. Name some critical (important) equipment in the engine room on board your last vessel.
According to the SMS manuals of the company on board my last vessel, the following engines and machine are critical equipment: Steering gear, winch and windlass, emergency battery, generator and emergency generator, main engines, life-boat engine, fire extinguisher pump, oil-water separator.
Different companies may name different critical equipment on board different ships. Anyway, critical equipment should be given full care in daily work and should be checked and recorded periodically.
As far as I know, some companies just name main engine, steering gear, and generator as critical equipment. Some other companies also include winch, mooring equipment, lifeboat engine etc. on the critical equipment list.
20. Under what conditions is hot work not allowed?
Hot work is not allowed under the following conditions.
(1) During cargo operation when handling flammable cargoes unless the ship has obtained permission from terminal or port authority
(2) During bunkering
(3) In enclosed spaces or where atmosphere is suspicious
(4) On the top of the oil tanks, or any bulkhead or deck bordering on oil tanks
(5) When vessel is alongside
(6) Some other occasions that the Chief Engineer and the Master think it not allowable
(7) Under heavy weather condition
21. What is ILO Convention147? What is ISGOTT? What is COLREGS 1972?
ILO Convention 147 is The Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1976 (No. 147) (and its Protocol of 1996). This rule is made by the International Labor Organization Conference. In this Convention, the minimum internationally acceptable labor standards for seamen in merchant ships are stipulated. Convention No. 147 requires the flag State to adopt minimum standards relating to safety, social security, and shipboard conditions of employment and living arrangements to be observed in merchant shipping registered under any flag.
ISGOTT means International safety Guidelines for oil Tankers and Terminals. COLREGS means Convention on international regulations for preventing collisions at sea. These two are normal publications on board the vessel.
22. How often did the superintendent of your last vessel come on board for inspection? How will you cooperate with the superintendent of the company in the future?
Twice a year. But for other vessels, the superintendents may come on the board more often than this. The superintendents come on board to check the ship’s maintenance, the crew and management situation on board and put forward some suggestions.
I will respect the superintendent and try to make his work easier. Besides, during his stay on board, I will discuss with him on some important matters concerning the maintenance of the machines and the management of the engine crew.